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    ​ Pàgina inicial ​ ​ A les pàgines següents veureu exemples d'obres d'art creades per l'artista Bob Hughes. Començant pel seu nou estil de pintura AVI (Abstract Vector Impressionist) que desenvolupa al seu estil de pintura més tradicional. També hi ha exemples de pintures digitals generades per ordinador (CG), dibuixos de grafit, pintures d’En Plain Air i algunes de les seves pintures de demostració (clubs i societats d’art). També hi ha un enllaç a una altra galeria on podeu veure “Obres d'art a les parets”, en aquesta galeria podeu veure pintures i retrats de grafit emmarcats i a les parets. En fer clic als enllaços anteriors o fer clic a les imatges següents, se us dirigirà a la pàgina corresponent. A sota de les imatges d’aquesta pàgina hi ha una nova incorporació al lloc web de Bob, una galeria d’art en 3D que va crear a ArtSteps . Feu clic a la pel·lícula, seieu i se us farà un recorregut per la seva galeria d'art. No només veureu obres d'art de les pàgines d'aquest lloc web, sinó que les veureu en marcs i a les parets de la galeria. Si voleu mirar de prop alguna de les obres d'art, podeu fer clic a qualsevol imatge per veure més informació sobre la imatge, la galeria és completament interactiva. ​ A la galeria 3D a l'esquerra hi ha quatre icones; Instruccions, mode de pantalla completa, qualitat de vídeo (normal o alta) i, finalment, so, si us plau, tingueu en compte; no hi ha so amb aquesta gira. Podeu interactuar amb la galeria fent clic a la pantalla; si la porta està tancada, feu-hi clic per obrir-la; si voleu més temps per llegir les descripcions, feu clic o mantingueu premut o desplaceu-vos cap amunt o cap avall. Feu clic a Escape per tornar a la visualització normal; la visita guia aproximadament nou minuts; cada pas té una durada aproximada de vuit segons. Tingueu en compte que la galeria 3D es visualitza millor en un monitor d'ordinador. ​ El recorregut es pot visualitzar millor en un monitor d’ordinador, ordinador portàtil o tauleta. Si feu servir un telèfon Android Huawei, és possible que l'aplicació no funcioni al vostre dispositiu. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Abstract Vector Impressionism Working Class Hero Traditional Painting Welcome to my ‘traditional paintings’ gallery, here you can see a selection of my paintings on canvas and on panel. Some of the paintings here have their own story to tell, take ‘In Good Company’ for example, apart for being the escort ship to the Royal Yacht Britannia for the 1993 Battle of the Atlantic Commemorations (B93) which were held on the River Mersey in Liverpool, HMS Cornwall was also at the centre of an International incident in 2007. Click on an image below to see an enlarged version of the image then scroll to the next image. The Wood Carver Wood Carver Bernard Blackburn working on a commission for a Church CG (Computer Generated) digital paintings In this gallery you can see examples of my CG (computer generated) digital paintings. I started experimenting with digital painting years ago. There is a learning curve that comes with this medium, not least of which is learning 'hand eye' co-ordination using a Wacom Intuos graphics tablet and a stylus (pen). How it works is this, you look at your monitor screen while you are working on a painting or drawing, while, at the same time you are actually drawing on the tablet with a stylus…it's tricky at first but you don't notice after a short time as it becomes natural to you. I stopped painting digitally when I tried to enter them into art competitions and exhibitions…"digital paintings not allowed" they said. Another reason is you do not have a 'hard' copy of your painting when it is finished as you have with an oil painting or watercolour etc. your digital paintings are stored inside your computer. Another important factor was the cost of printing artwork onto canvas, it is an expensive process but most importantly, you absolutely need to find the right people who can do the job such as fine art printers who specialise in this process, not to do so can prove to be disappointing and costly. Now I work directly on to a Wacom Cintiq 27QHD (46.5 x 77cm), owning a Wacom Cintiq has been on my bucket list for years, it is an amazing piece of kit, now I can draw and paint directly onto the screen, but I use it primarily for planning and creating ideas for my none digital artwork such as my AVI paintings En Plein Air This is my En Plein Air paintings gallery, the paintings you see here were painted on location in and around the area where I live in Sefton on Merseyside with the exception of FSC Preston Montford Hall Field Study Centre in Shrewsbury, I painted this as a demonstration piece for a group of students on a weekend painting workshop I was running at the centre which was organised by The Artists & Illustrators Magazine The Artists & Illustrators Magazine. The plein air approach was pioneered by John Constable in Britain c.1813–1, but from about 1860 it became fundamental to impressionism. The popularity of painting en plein air increased in the 1870s with the introduction of paints in tubes (resembling modern toothpaste tubes). Demonstration paintings On this page you can see samples of demonstration paintings which were painted for art clubs, art societies, small businesses and including painting workshops around the North West and Central parts of the UK and North Wales. Painting demonstrations are usually two hours long unless you have a workshop directly after the demonstration which could be another two or three hours long. Fine Art Giclee Prints A brief history of giclée printing /archival pigment prints Giclee prints are often known in exhibitions as archival pigment prints, this term is increasingly becoming the standard term used in the art world. The word Giclée ("gee-clay"), is based on the French verb gicler which means "to squirt or spray” and was originally coined by printmaker Jack Duganne in 1991. Giclée printing is a fine art digital printing method using specialist archival pigment inks and acid-free papers; creating gallery-quality inkjet prints with excellent depth of colour, longevity and stability. The print process involves squirting microscopic dots of pigment ink onto high-quality fine art or photographic papers using sophisticated high-end inkjet printers with exceptional accuracy, wide tonal range and colour gamut. Studies have shown that Giclee Prints colour vividness can last in excess of 200 years with tests by independent bodies such as Wilhelm Research and printer manufacturers such as Epson. This gives assurance to collectors and art buyers of this type of printing method. See Artwork on Walls Checkout this page to see art from this website framed up and on living room walls, hopefully they will give you ideas.

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